Many times the alignment choices we desire to make with our body are affected by our adherence to mental beliefs we didn’t even realize we had. Brook Montagna, MS, of Mindful Life Coaching will be hosting a two-hour workshop addressing:1) Inflexible belief systems and perceptions that are generating incorrect messages to the Central Nervous System, creating over-reactions or under-reactions and loss of ability to be in active stillness mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
2) Finding our internal guide for alignment and balance! With greater mindfulness, we can access and align with our spiritual center moment by moment for optimum balance.
3) The Mindful Action required to support alignment with the inner wisdom for a more balanced life.
This course will guide you through assessing your life balance, belief systems and reactivity, and will help you create an action plan to follow immediately to help you restore balance before “falling off the bike!”