Tag Archives: self confidence

Ego Games: Beware when You Compare!

Have you ever noticed the tendency to compare yourself to others? To make decisions about how you are doing based on how others are doing?  And have you noticed that when you do this, you may find yourself feeling like “not enough”? Comparing is often so habitual, we don’t even notice we’re doing it.  But […]

Self Confidence Begins with Self Acceptance: Tips from a Life Coach for Women

Many women suffer from lack of self confidence and low self esteem and it frustrates them to no end.  They want to do more, speak up more often, and feel better about their presence in the world.  Basically, they want to audition for, and land, the lead role in their own lives! Often the root […]

Creating a Life Vision: Tips from a Life Coach for Women

It’s important and valuable to have a life direction.  However, there seems to be a lot of confusion about how to create or connect with your personal inspired vision for your life.  In this article, I hope to provide some insight in just what a life vision comprises, and the qualities of a life vision […]

Mind-Body-Spirit Alignment Workshop

Many times the alignment choices we desire to make with our body are affected by our adherence to mental beliefs we didn’t even realize we had. Brook Montagna, MS, of Mindful Life Coaching will be hosting a two-hour workshop addressing:1) Inflexible belief systems and perceptions that are generating incorrect messages to the Central Nervous System, […]

A Toast to Women Caregivers

March 8 is International Women’s Day. According to the Pan American Health Organization (a division of the World Health Organization), “Some 80 percent of home health care in the Americas is provided by women, but this critical work is neither recognized nor remunerated.”  In fact, they say, “this invisible work is rarely even recognized as […]